Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Goodbye

Finally we reach the first position in our top ten ranking list and how could it be otherwise, this position is for the Wright brothers, Wilbur (1867 – 1912) and Orville (1871 – 1948). They were the first to develop an aircraft heavier than the air, that was able to fly controlled in its 3 axes and powered by an internal combustion engine. The flight of the “Flyer” took place on the Kitty Hawk beaches December 17, 1903, although they had previously tested different gliders, they built an aerodynamic tunnel and they even built their own engine with the invaluable help of their partner and mechanic, Charlie Taylor, who developed it in 6 weeks.

Their spirit and initiative make that Orville and Wilbur Wright will stay in the first position forever.
Today, as we reach the end of our list, it is time to say goodbye. During eleven weeks we have tried to give a unique message for a very special kind of people. As we said in the presentation of our blog, we have tried to address, on the one hand to those people who, despite their wide professional experience, still have the ability to get excited, and on the other hand, to the youngest engineers which, after finishing their studies, find a whole new world full of uncertainty.

El adiós

Subimos por fin el número uno de nuestro "Top Ten" que, como no podía ser de otra forma, les corresponde a los hermanos Wilbur (1.867 - 1.912) y Orville (1.871 - 1-948) Wrigth. Ellos fueron los primeros que desarrollaron una aeronave mas pesada que el aire capaz de volar de una manera controlada en sus 3 ejes impulsada por un motor de explosión. El vuelo del "Flyer" tuvo lugar en las playas de Kitty Hawk el 17 de Diciembre de 1.903 aunque previamente habian probado distintos tipos de planeadores, habian construido un tunel aerodinámico e incluso construyeron su propio motor con la inestimable ayuda de su colaborador y mecánico Charlie Taylor que lo desarrolló en 6 semanas.

Su espíritu y su iniciativa hacen que Orville y Wilbur Wright esten para siempre en nuestro número 1.

Hoy, al alcanzar el final de nuestra lista, llega el momento de despedirnos. Durante once semanas hemos tratando de transmitir un mensaje peculiar para un tipo de gente muy especial. Como decíamos en al presentación de nuestro blog hemos intentado dirigirnos por una parte a esas personas que, a pesar de sus muchos años de vida profesional, aún conservan la capacidad de ilusionarse, y por otra a los ingenieros mas jóvenes ante los cuales, al terminar sus estudios, se abre un mundo  nuevo plagado de incertidumbres.