We reach today number six at our list of aircrafts that surprise you with the Goodyear GA-468 "Inflatoplane". As you could imagine from its name it was an inflatable aircraft designed for rescue operations, which could be folded into a little container of 1 cubic meter.
Incredible as it may seem, this aircraft was able to fly and it just had to be inflated with a pressure of 25 psi. In flight the pressure was assured with a pressure intake from the engine in order to maintain the structural integrity.
The first versions were equipped with a 40 HP engine and flew at a speed of 116 km/h with a range of 630 km. Its maximum takeoff weight was 110 kg and it needed only 90 meter runway.
It was designed and built in only 12 weeks in 1956 with the idea that it could be launched behind the enemy’s lines in a container to serve as a rescue vehicle to crashed pilots.
The project did not catch on because, as a military said: “there was no military use for an aircraft which can be shot down with a bow and arrow”.
Only twelve units were built, but Goodyear continued the development until 1973. There are still two units, one of them in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC.
This is a YouTube video showing this curious aircraft.
Our number 6 on the list of the weirdest aircrafts in history is for the Goodyear "Inflatoplane".
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